Help us spread the word about Project #KEEPITLIVE through posting a short memory of what The Cap (or live music) means to you on social media. Tag #keepitlive and @thecaplive to be a part of the conversation! We’ll gather all the memories on this page as an archive of the Cap throughout the years.
Zach Atkinson - Owner of the Cap
& Drummer in Kill Chicago
The foundation of our business, through its twenty year history, is supporting the local music and creative scene. I cut my teeth working at The CAP when I was young. Some of the best moments in my life have happened here, or because of this venue, and I know I’m far from the only person in our community who feels that way.
Penelope Stevens - Member of Motherhood
The Cap is where I grew up - where I met my ‘people’ and truly became the artist I am today. It’s so much more than just a venue; it’s a gathering place.
I’ve created the best art of my career at the Cap, but it certainly didn’t start that way. Even when I was a SHIT artist, the folks at the Cap kept booking my band, letting me paint murals, and occasionally installing gigantic Big Berthas onto their patios (or pinatas on their dance floors!). It’s one of the only places in the province that creates space for developing artists to find their voice, and it’s an incredible asset to the entire Canadian arts community.
Shawn Smith - Bass/Vocals in Hard Charger
This bar gave us somewhere to play when no one else in this town would. Every town needs that place where everyone from the new up and comers to the grizzled road warriors can get on stage and giver!
Stefan Wester -
Creative Director of Flourish Festival;l
Drummer for Marian & Jane Blanchard
My life changed the first time a friend brought me to a show at The Cap. In short order it became my home away from home. There aren’t many places that so consistently present artistic excellence while also being incredibly supportive of new artists. In my time here I’ve seen too many amazing shows to count, met some of the most important people in my life, and learned how to build a festival from the ground up. The life I’ve built in Fredricton couldn’t exist without The Cap.
Josh Bravener - The Hypochondriacs
I remember, many moons ago.. let's say 10 years ago, I was playing a solo show at a little cafe called The Cedar Tree. I was playing a bunch of covers and maybe the 3 original songs I had written. My brother came up to before the set to tell me Zach Atkinson from The Cap was going to be listening, and if he likes it, maybe I could get a show at The Cap.
To me, The Capital was THE PLACE for live music. I wanted to follow in the footsteps of all if my favourite local musicians, and The Capital felt like my right of passage.
Fast forward 10 years, probably 10 different band members, heart breaks, black outs and everything good and bad you can imagine, I still hold The Cap to the same regard.
With the struggles of the world right now, we need a safe space to play music, to listen to music, and help keep our community flourishing.
Roxy Atkinson - Co-Owner of The Cap
Let me tell you a little love story. 10 years ago I travelled to NB and discovered Fredericton. I ended up going to The Cap with my best friend Cynthia both on our way to Nova Scotia and back to Montreal. I remember thinking how amazing the place was, the energy, the people, and it was settled... we had to move to this great city.
Exactly one year later, I packed my car up and moved across Canada. When I arrived in Fredericton, the first place I went to was The Cap. It was still exactly the same. Amazing music, artists, people, and it felt ... like exactly where I wanted to be.
Now who would have known that I would have fallen in love with Zachary Atkinson. Zach is the best person in Fredericton. So kind. So creative. And always willing to help. We had our first kiss at the CAP (ooh la la), we had our wedding at the CAP and we now own the CAP!
I’ve watched Zach work so incredibly hard to make The Cap what it is today. Booking bands, finding support for the arts, endless renovations, supporting staff, all the ins and outs of running a business, but most importantly pouring his heart into live music and a creative space that everyone can call home.
If you’re following #KEEPITLIVE, you’re probably feeling all the mushy gushy feelings I am today and just loving all the photos that are emerging. I especially love hearing the perspectives from the musicians and performers who found a place to express themselves and grow
Your support with our #KEEPITLIVE fundraiser means the world to us, the staff, and the artists. Thanks for being awesome NB. I look forward to hearing your The Cap memory.
Camilo Villamizar
The Cap/Capital/Complex *is* my music story in Canada. From the earliest (‘08) to the latest photo I can find. I’ve been a fan, longed to play there, got my start at open mic, followed then joined the house band for 10 years, met my partner and some of my best friends... So many bands and tributes and jams. Such consistently amazing people and outstanding music.
They have already done an incredible job of keeping music alive and given us globally-exceptional opportunities to enjoy shows during the pandemic. Let’s do this. Let’s keep it live.
Jane Blanchard
The CAP is my happy place and is such a special spot for so many people. I met 99% of my friends here. I wouldn’t be playing music if it wasn’t for The Cap. FLOURISH Festival wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for The Cap. I grew up here and my graduation was when I first got to play at The Cap stage when Motherhood invited me to join their Diamonds & Gold release show.
Zach came to my school when I was in eighth grade and told my music class about The Cap and I spent every day until I could play there dreaming of playing there. Dreams do come true! Think about all of the kids who are literally counting down the days and practicing every day with their band until they can play their first show at The Cap !!!!!
I’ve scheduled tours and flights around events happening at The Cap that I can’t miss. I’ve had major fomo for every Christmas cover set not attended. I am always at home at The Cap, I am always safe and happy. There are always friends. I can’t imagine a world without The Cap so please consider donating some $$$!
Been thinking about my fav shows but there are ssly too many to count. I tried to find pics from my favourite shows but I’m usually having too much fun to take my phone out and also obviously too busy taking pictures in The Cap bathrooms #keepitlive
Aidan Bullock
For many years, if not most of my music career, I have played shows at The CAP. It was my first love when it comes to bar shows. It has always been a staple in the Fredericton music community, and it continues to be a beacon of light for live music even during the pandemic we are facing. But, it needs our help. I don't want to lose this venue and it would be a disservice to bands and music lovers everywhere if we lost it. So please donate and maybe moving forward with the money they raise we will be able to continue live music in a safe way throughout the winter. #keepitlive
Kylie Fox
I wish there was a candle that smelled like The Cap because it smells like home. The CAP is home to the majority of New Brunswick based musicians and bands, fostering community through music, friendships and safe space.
**Home needs help**
To maintain long-term investment in new infrastructure and to create a revitalized community space for this new era of live music, project #KEEPITLIVE was launched.
Help sustain the meeting place of neighbours and musicians alike, growing the provinces output in music by donating here.
This photo was taken at Harvest Jazz & Blues Festival last Fall with I looked out on a crowd of familiar faces and could hear a pin drop.
Flourish Festival
We could write a million love letters to The CAP and it still wouldn’t be enough. They’ve launched Project #KEEPITLIVE to sustain The CAP and create a revitalized community space for this new era of live music.
Project #KEEPITLIVE is a rallying cry to those that believe live music is an invaluable part of what makes a community strong. With your help, they'll continue to present live events in a safer, more inclusive, more dynamic way, and keep The Cap as more than just a bar, but a creative hub for artists.
Project #KEEPITLIVE is an opportunity to build something better than before. Let’s work together to keep it live in Fredericton! FLOURISH Festival will not be possible without The Cap. They support everything we do. If you support us, please consider supporting them. We hosted a lot of free events this year - consider donating what you would have usually paid for a #FLOURISHFest pass or tickets this year to The CAP!
Connor Fox
I’m fairly new to the Fredericton music scene. But I can say with the utmost confidence that there’s an immediate effect of feeling like you’ve known The Cap your entire life. Today they launched #KEEPITLIVE, a difficult cry for help. The current events have had an awful effect on businesses, in this case live music venues. Obviously, live music/music venues holds near to me, and particularly The Cap. It’s the most historic music venue in our little musical city. The first place I went on my 19th birthday was The Capital. It’s also where I played my very first show with The Hypochondriacs (as pictured above), and has since become the venue I’ve played the most. Within the last year and a half, The Cap is responsible for some of my new friends and some of my favourite memories. And I have to stress that this is ONE of many many similar stories. We love The Cap. We need to help them.
As a band, we are very privileged to have a venue like The CAP in our hometown, who have given us the opportunity to make some noise on their stages. Without them, there would be no shows in New Brunswick happening during the pandemic. For music lovers in the maritime provinces, it has given us a form of normalcy within the chaos. We are very grateful for their presence, so lets give them something back. They need our help to raise money to create long-term investment in new infrastructure, help them get ahead on mounting expenses, and to create a revitalized community space for this new era of live music. Please lend them some love, we want to play the inside stage again someday.
Kristen Vautour
The Cap has been a crucial part of my Fredericton experience. Having moved here, knowing no one, I was fairly unhappy. The Cap quickly became the foundation for my social network. Not only did I meet my bandmates here but we have played and enjoyed countless shows at this venue together. The Cap is where I cut my teeth as a frontwoman and live performer and it will always hold a special place in my heart as a live music venue.
Amy Chatham
Since I have so many favourite memories at The Cap, I’ll choose my first favourite memory. This was in January of 2011 when my old band, Five Storey Fire opened for Weak Size Fish. We played a few more shows together in Moncton and Saint John and have been great friends ever since. Live music is responsible for many of my greatest friendships!
Cheers to live music and friends!
Geordie Haley
The CAP as it is known today is an ever evolving entity that supports indie music of all strains locally and for touring acts as well. I have always been welcomed there as a performer and an audience member . I have presented so much music there . Most recently as a member of Tom Easley's EQ but also sitting in with Dub Antennae. Long may the venues of the CAP be there for the community and touring musicians ..the CAP is pure magic !
The Tortoise The Hare and The Millionaire
Our most memorable show at the Cap? That would be Celebration Day, our tribute to Led Zeppelin in 2018.
We’d discussed doing a Led Zeppelin cover set for a few months, however, inspired by the Folly Orchestra’s tribute to the Last Waltz earlier that year, our concept quickly evolved to a three-hour tribute to the legendary band in honour of their 50th anniversary!
All that was left was learning three hours’ worth of Led Zeppelin songs! It didn’t take us long to realize how ridiculously demanding an undertaking this was going to be (we may even have tried to bail, but Zach wouldn’t let us)… We were going to need lots of help to pull this off!
We made up a “wish list” of performers and reached out to them all and did we ever end up with a dream team! On vocals, we had Kelly Waterhouse, Jeannine Gallant, Kendra Gale, Tania Breen, and Justine Everett; on guitars, we had Sean Hutchins and Alex Tracy-Gould; and finally, we had Ed Oldfield on keys.
This is just one example of what is so special about the Cap. We could not have done this show without the community the Cap has nurtured!
Been so lucky to have had some lovely moments at The Cap as both a performer and audience member! I feel so thankful to be asked to play and be part of the our little yet strong music community.
As a sober gal, it's easy to avoid bars and venues as a patron, but often impossible as a musician, so the effort Zach & the Gang are making to create a welcoming and safe space for everyone (even us non-drinkers) has really had such a positive impact and is really important in small cities with limited venues.
To think that this coming winter will put serious strain on this community hub is such a sad thought, so let's come together and support as best we can to #KEEPITLIVE during the loneliest months of the year! The months when live music really brings us together and pulls us out of their little hermit holes.
Mike Nason
The Cap is home. I grew up here. I made mistakes here. I learned a lot here. I have sweat probably, literally, buckets here.
I have played on this stage more times than I could possibly count across so many bands. Zach always gave us a shot even when he knew we'd make a mess of the place or do a Very Bad Job. He also gave us a shot when we were better and he knew we'd surprise everyone in a good way.
No matter how many times I've loaded gear into The Cap, it always felt like returning home after a long trip. No matter how many times I've had my glasses fog up when I walk into a show on a cold night, it always felt like visiting a best friend.
The Cap is family.
Ben Conoley
I moved to Fredericton for university in 2001 and quickly discovered the Capital as an amazing place to see live music. I've seen a number of my favourite bands tour through the Capital. I have also had the opportunity to take the stage on a number of occasions to perform comedy. In my university days I was a regular on the stage during open mic hip hop as well. I also hosted trivia night at the Phoenix around 2007/08. I even performed a marriage there!
The current owners of the Cap as well as the previous owners have always been so great to the arts community in this city. They've always listened to what their patrons were looking for, whether it was types of music, start times of shows, drinks to offer, etc. The Cap is a part of the community, not just a business taking money out of it. Seeing Frank Turner play there about five years ago was my favourite show of all time, but there have been so many other great shows!
I look forward to some day going to shows at the Cap with my kids and exposing them to the incredible music that comes through or from our city.
I have attached a photo of me skateboarding on the patio the night I graduated law school. Didn't even get kicked out!
Wendy MacKnight
Love the Cap! It’s the location of our Friday afternoon meeting and Drag Bingo is how we like to celebrate our birthdays! Can’t imagine a better, more inclusive, creative space!
Ryan (Crash) Barton
When I was young, my father would turn up our living room stereo and shout over the music: “This is what it’s like LIVE!” It all started right there. Live music is a shared experience like no other, and to be able see and be introduced to so many local artists as well as National/International acts in such an intimate space is truly special and has made for many great memories. From my first-ever show there (Ermine, around 2006?) to now, my love of the Fredericton/NB music scene was fostered in large part because of the Cap and I’ve met some great people along the way.
I love that I can come to a show and always run into SOMEONE I know - sometimes leading to an even better night out than originally planned (I’ve shared a cab back to Devon with some or all of the members of Kill Chicago more than once!).
The Cap is an integral part of our downtown, and to the artists and musicians and fans who call it home. I hope it stays that way for years to come.
Andrew Ferguson
The Cap has been one of the main places that I visit since I moved to Fredericton almost 4 years ago. From trivia nights and shows to causal beers, it has played a big part in my experience with the city, and I hope that continues to do so.
Joel Dixon
I have been playing on The Cap stage for 10 years now. There’s something special about that stage, and something special about that place. It’s very near and dear to my heart and it was always there for me and my bands when we needed someone to give a fuck and gives us a place to make noise. Go to their page and help out the cap, times are tough right now in this economy
Britt McQuinn
One of the best nights of my life was this one in the photos, and it all happened at The Cap last year. Bleum had our first headlining show and, with support from The Cap, sold out. The energy in the room was incredible. It was a peak, mountaintop experience for me as a creative person. A project I had put so much effort and love into became so... real, whole, and right that night. The struggles that led me to that moment were worth it, and that was never more obvious to me than during show nights at The Cap. We continued to do hometown shows there last year and each one was incredible.
Who knew 2020 would do what it did to all of us, to our goals, and to the things we enjoyed like nights like this. These types of shows became banned, and dangerous to host. While the grief has been real, I’ve also realized how short life is and how important it is to really value what you value. How to own what you want and need and understand what control you do have over your wellness in a seemingly out-of-control world. How meaningful these mountaintop experiences are. How to be grateful for all the beauty that was felt while feeling the aches and pains of change. How, regardless of how hard I pursue something I care about, in the end I do not have control over external circumstances. Who could have guessed we’d have a pandemic, right? I had big dreams for Bleum in 2020.
Watching how The Cap has made the most of this difficult year has been heartwarming, and we need to support them when they ask. It’s been like a home for so many of us through the years. It’s been a safe space for people like me to grow into who they are.
If you’re going out to meet someone, consider going to The Cap. Take in some live music and events there if you can. They’ve been here for us - let’s be there for them.
Tanya Duffy
I’ve been seeing live music at The Cap for a really long time. I’ve seen more bands and great shows than I could ever remember or count. I even watched my friend Ashley Erb cut off her wedding dress at The Cap while Iron Giant played. That doesn’t happen everyday. The #KEEPITLIVE project is going to help them keep their doors open this winter. We’ve lost a lot this year, but we cannot lose this space.
Leah Gallant
Moving to Fredericton in 2005, I had zero friends but The Capital was an easy place to be. I love music and I’ve seen some stellar bands over the years. I always felt safe enough to show up to anything alone, and often made a friend. A lot of people I know in Fredericton are because of nights at the Capital. Couldn’t have built a life without you.
Michelle Deschenes & Kevin Doucet
We're avid music junkies & for us, there is nothing better than live tunes on a patio over a cold pint of local craft suds! The Cap is the perfect spot to chill & catch up with friends.
Carmel Teasdale
We have been through four owners since 2003. We have made Team Taproom T-shirts, had official portraits done at weddings, bought the beer club mugs, bonded with every bar tender we’ve had, and we call the Taproom, every Friday after work, home.
We have seen the best of Canadian Indie like Hidden Cameras, Windom Earle, Rich AuCoin, Kill Chicago, Ben Caplan, Buck 65, Joel Plaskett, and many I forget. We have danced like crazy at Indie Pop Nights and made Frank Turner and honourary New Brunswicker.
I am proud to support and be a part of The Cap. You are what makes Fredericton cool.
Kelly Waterhouse
My favourite memory was way too hard to pin down. Here are some of the many. The CAP has been my home away from home for *cough* years. Countless projects for the Christmas Cover shows, Reggae nights, Feelsgood Xmas, birthday parties, spontaneous dance parties in wilsers (thanks always Sean Hutchins), weddings, and everything in between.
The staff are always so kind and supportive of our little music community that could.
Thank you Zachary Atkinson for nurturing us so much.
Let’s give back - check out #keepitlive and support this institution so we can keep. it. live.
Alex (Freddy) Fredericks
I’ve worked at The Cap for the past 3 years and I’ve been so lucky to experience countless amazing musical, comedic and artistic acts. I’ve made lifelong friendships and found personal growth within the building. The Cap is sometimes referred to as the friendliest bar in town, I’ve always felt welcome and I feel that it’s been a great environment for creative minds. I play in the band Heat $heets and we played our first indoor show at a weekly event called “The Lottery”, which showcased local emerging acts and travelling bands. I’m grateful for this space to exist, because there is truly no other place like it in Fredericton. #KeepItLive
Mama P
The Cap is one of my favourite live music venues in a city dear to my heart. Fredericton's music community is truly phenomenal. This is a photo of The Crossroad Devils band.
Ellen Higgins
The Cap has been a hub of elation, friendship, and fun for me for over 12 years. It is the place where I could always find kindred spirits and cathartic culture. Like a secret community clubhouse. A place of icy steps, sweaty crowds, and unforgettable once-in-a-lifetime experiences. The legendary SHIFTY BITS CIRCUSES, lotteries, flourish fires, Christmas cover shows... too many important memories to name. Thank you for giving me the best times of my life, my favorite bands, and 90% of my friends. CHEERS to all of you who make it what it is and what it will be. XO
Cori Swan
I’ve done a lot of growing and stepping outside of my comfort zone in the last couple years, and I owe a lot of it to the Cap for creating such a safe and encouraging space. Four years ago I wouldn’t have imagined myself going off on my own to parties and live music. The Capital has created such a comfortable environment it’s impossible not to feel welcomed and inspired.
I’ve always said going to music festivals feels like getting your batteries charged every summer, my favourite part of the Capital has to be the Feels Good events and home bass. Getting that little taste of the festivals in the dark months always gives us the boost we need to make it through the winter.
The Cap really is home to a lot of us, I really hope we get to continue to watch it grow and flourish (no pun intended,) for years to come.
Gill Salmon
In my opinion, the Cap is the only venue in town. I've been going there since before cameras were digital. From hometown hero shows like Grand Theft Bus and All of Green to out of town bigwigs like BA Johnson, the Cap has always been a venue for all. It's always been a space that supports and gives back to the community- the Christmas Cover Shows being a great and fun example of that. It's also been the venue where I've cut my comedy teeth- doing improv and stand up there has always felt like performing to a warm and supportive audience of woodland creatures who just want you to have a good time. And then- in the COVID times- pivoting to be a place where you could pick up delicious pre-made meals? BRILLIANCE. The Cap is family, the Cap is welcoming, and I very much want the Cap to be there when COVID is over because I want to make people laugh again. (I dug through pictures and then it was just like a delightful walk down memory lane but they're all too blurry or terrible to share).
Mike Nason
The Cap has been a central and warm part of my life for years. Almost 20 of them. I’ve played countless shows across countless bands on these stages. Through it all, it’s been a beautiful part of our community. It’s been a wonderous part of my life. I remember, before
I moved away for a year, having a going away show where I played in three sets back-to-back. I remember the last Piper Perabo show was with “The Elephant,” who became Motherhood.
We help family. That’s what we do. And The Cap are more my family than many members of my actual, literal family.
Chris Tompkins
There are too many memories (or lack thereof depending on how Ferg'd I got) as I have been visiting this fine establishment since way back when they had booths downstairs and pool tables upstairs. It has transformed into an amazing space over all of these years and I have always enjoyed my time and felt welcome there whether it's just for a drink, to play or show or to go and see any of the amazing bands that have played there. Not enough can be said about the amazing staff at The Cap! A wonderful group of people who care about their community! Cheers!
Angus Fletcher
The capital is where i learned to be a performer! i've jumped out of cakes, been suplexed by a mysterious figure in a horse mask, made (not very good) sleeved garments into (excellent) sleeveless garments, watched bands i love, done yoga, made memories with friends and made new friends. the cap continues to be an important part of my life and, i think, the cultural life of this city.
She Said Feck
Our love for The Cap runs deep. No place we'd rather be. Our second home. Where everyone does know our name. We have a million mems to share but our absolute fave mems are seeing our friends up on The Cap stages doing what they love and making our ears ring the next day. Please help The Cap #KEEPITLIVE by donating, becoming a member or sharing your fave Cap mems!
Jerry-Faye Flatt
I love The Cap.
When I moved to Fredericton I was so nervous to start over in a new music scene - but I didn’t need to be nervous. Because I was brought in with open arms and invited to play shows like, immediately lol.
Then Colin Bonner asked me to join his band Aminal and play bass. And I started playing more solo shows. And then I filled in on bass for Marian. Then I started my OWN BAND!!!
Thank you The Cap for allowing me space to grow as an artist. Thanks for booking me when you didn’t really know who I was. Thanks for letting me have my album release show there and it being (still) one of my favourite memories.
Thank you also for the 10/10 acts you bring to town. Thank you for your donations to local organizations. Thank you for making space for BIPOC, women and LGBTQ+ people. Thank you for trying to ur darnedest to not have ever show be 4 white guys playin rock. Thank you for the Lottery. Thank you for naming a beer after me. Thanks for giving me space to be Avril Lavigne and the Dixie Chicks. Thanks for also making me the face of this campaign... I love you ❤️
Mariah Farnham
I have so many Cap experiences, but the one I first think of is the following; on my 21st birthday, after dinner with a friend (now my long term boyfriend), we came to the cap for a drink and there was live music playing. It was AWOL ! He is a good friend of my boyfriend, and we had the best time dancing the night away - one of my best birthdays!!
Another event that needs no introduction; Reggae night!!!! I was there religiously EVERY Wednesday for over a year. It was where I met my bestest of friends, and shared so many memories!! My fav drink at the time was the Big Daddy Classy 👌
Back in the day when I was going out for a drink, let's be honest, 4-5 times a week, I always felt comfort in knowing that I could go to the Cap alone and see people I knew, and enjoy great live music every time! There was, and still is, a sense of family and togetherness at the Cap. I cherish that sense of community so much. Thanks for all you do!!
Michael Saunders
My first experience with the Capital complex was being dragged along by my sister and her friends to some band I had never heard of, but everyone else seemed really excited to see. What I experienced was not only my first exposure to a thriving local music scene in Fredericton, but a discovery of how enjoyable live music can be even if you haven't a clue of the lyrics, no connection with the artists, and nothing that would be described as dance skills.
Since that experience, I have sought out shows being put in the venue, trusting in the booking as much as I've learned to trust in the booking of Harvest.
Highlights for me include: the annual Christmas covers shows, late night Harvest shows with special guests, Touque, Grand Theft Bus, Kill Chicago... and a great memory of watching double overtime of the Stanley cup finals in what was then the Phoenix, only to be shown the door (we had been allowed to stay well beyond last call, so it was justified) only to have the cup winning goal scored as I ran over to O'Malley.
Here is to many more years of great music with great people (I’ve yet to try the beer, but can only presume it will be just as enjoyable).
Kaelyn Merrithew
Sam and I had our first date at The Cap. He worked there, and I was a (probably too) frequent patron, so it was only natural that it would be our meeting place. We stayed well past close- sorry, Hutch- just getting to know each other. That first date turned into a relationship that’s going on three years. That relationship gave me a chance to work at The Cap myself in what was supposed to be a temporary position, which turned into a permanent job for going on two and a half years. Our relationship was quite literally founded on The Cap, and while it was one of my favourite places in town before I met Sam, it’s become so much more than that. I love this bar. I love what it brings to our community. I want to #keepitlive. If you do too, please share your own story and consider donating to Project #keepitlive.
Barry Morrison
I have been going to the Cap since the Capital opened in 1998, for after work beer, or to see a show. I was an member of the Capital when they sold memberships in the early 2000's and worked in the Taproom, before it became the Wilsers room and part of the Capital Complex. So I have been around the space for many years, and have lots of great memories there. Favorite shows are hard to pin down, but in the early 2000's we used to go see Hot Toddy play, and their matinee during Harvest outside on the patio was always a highlight. I am pretty sure that I hold the attendance record for most consecutive Reggae nights attended. I love the way the bar continues to evolve and change, and I am looking forward to many more years of great times, great memories and great friends in the space.
Caleb Painter
I have spent more nights falling in with music than I can remember at The Cap. I've made some friends I will never forget, had a few too many drinks, and stayed up way too late. I've played so many open mics and a handful of my own shows there, spent hours daydreaming about playing again, and had some of the best nights out of my life.
Quinn Bonnell
#KEEPITLIVE is a great initiative set up to help keep this wonderful music scene and venue moving forward. I’ve been able to share a lot of music and memories with a lot of you folks at The Cap and considering this crippling Covid situation, anything in this moment can help! You can help through the link provided!
Paul McAllister
Sharing memories of The Cap is a tricky one, it’s been such a huge part of my life for the past forever, only a visually aided list will do #keepitlive
• It’s where Feels Good got its start!
• It’s always had the most wonderful staff.
• while making space for some equally stellar organizational groups
• oh and artists! And musicians!
• it’s gone through many evolutions
• but it’s heart always stays the same
• Run by a pretty magical fella
• who can rock a serious Halloween costume
• The cap will always be a home away from home
The Firey
We love Everything about The Cap! It is a home away from home for so many.
No Fun Zone
If there is one thing for certain, live art wouldn't be anywhere were it not for live music, and the The Cap always made space for us to share the stage. Y'all are a cornerstone of music and culture in our society. Thank you for the abundance of quality good times. We were both really sad to hear the Cap had come under hard times during COVID. If you have anything to spare to help them keep the lights on, go to their page for more details!
Thanks to the best damn venue in Canada!
Fractal Code
The Cap has such a special place in my heart. I've had countless amazing memories there, some I remember more then others, from it being my first go to music venue to being the space where I put on my first Soundwave show. I love you The Cap.
Drew Sweet
The Cap has always been a wholesome and welcoming venue. I’ve played a lot of shows with different projects but here a few that were really fun. Subtle at FLOURISH Festival 2018, hand-drawn in 2014, w/ Jane Blanchard & Brookside Mall, and last but not least, the first out of town NVN show Sadie - lets all help and support the venues in our lives as they navigate their next steps. These spaces have done so much for us as artists and we need to support them when they need it!
(Also, Gavin Downes played all of these shows, too, because we’ve played in 100000 bands together).
Joe Ross
Check-out my homemade graph representing how The Cap bookended my last 19 years for the better.
I played open mics there in the early 2000's before some established musicians took me under their wing and I played some...REAL SHOWS at the Capital. Following that era, I became hooked on Blue Jays baseball, and my music fell by the wayside. A couple of years ago, I cut baseball: cold turkey.
Who was there when I got my act together, again? The Cap! I felt awkward putting a booking request in at 37 years of age, and never expected a reply, but Zachary got back to me with a slot. This place has been there for me, and now we need to be there for The Cap. #KEEPITLIVE
The Blue Jays are a hair away from reaching the playoffs, so it might be another 15 years before I play again.
Laurel Green // Bellwether
As it is for so many, The Cap is a second home and so very special to me. As a patron of local arts and music, I've always been grateful for The Cap as a live music venue and supporter of local culture. I've danced and sang and laughed and made afool countless times at The Cap. So many fond (and sometimes fuzzy) memories.
More recently, however - The Cap has become significantly more meaningful to me. They have been a port in more than one storm.
When the pandemic hit and the fate of my own business faced great uncertainty, The Cap reached out in support by offering me retail space until I could reopen.
Even more recently, when I very suddenly and unexpectedly lost my mother, The staff at The Cap reached out and offered unwavering love and support. When I couldn't stand to be home alone, I knew I could go there and be surrounded by friendly and familiar faces and break down and cry when I needed.
The Cap has also become a community leader in creating safer and more inclusive public space for its patrons and has endlessly prioritized helping vulnerable and marginalized folx, even when their own fate is too, uncertain.
If culture and community mean anything to you, please visit their social media pages and see if there's a way you can help them #keepitlive. I've signed up for a 1 year membership because I honestly don't know what I would do if Fredericton lost this special place.
Keely Briggs
Love Story - The Cap ... one of the most pivotal establishments in all of Fredericton, and beyond. I've lived away for many years and never found a home bar, and community space quite like The Cap. I've missed it dearly, always telling people along the travels of the infamous three-bars-in-one glory of The Cap. Jaws dropped - you've got a well deserved legacy. I'm stoked arriving home to see how it's transformed as a true safe space, local bar and now record venue - it only raises it's caliber. You have my love - for every show and back alley shenanigan of my youth, and present. - KB
Charissa Smith
The Cap has always been a super welcoming, fun place to go in the city! I’ve been to so many amazing shows and have had many fun nights there with friends. There really seems to be something there for everyone to enjoy- from the live music, to the chill atmosphere. My favourite memory would have to be from a few years ago. One summer night, my roommates and I were walking around downtown on a weeknight looking for something fun to do and we decided to check out the Cap. We basically walked in to a rave (or that’s what it felt like at least, haha!). We never figured out exactly what show was happening, but it was a perfect random evening of fun! As a music educator, I feel it’s SO important to keep places like this in business- for the community, the staff, the performers, patrons, etc. The fact that the Cap supports its community and performers so much, deserves to be rewarded and acknowledged! Cheers to many more fantastic years!
Zachary Atkinson (again)
It's been really incredible to read the stories and see the response from our #KEEPITLIVE campaign. It's tough to ask for support and hard to do when so many are in similar positions. All I can say is that myself, Roxy and the staff at The CAP can't thank you enough for it all. Penelope Stevens, Adam Mars, Brendan MaGee deserve a big thanks for developing and creating the #KEEPITLIVE project. We really feel that this conversation and these great stories can be found at many venues around the city, the province and beyond. They're feeling the change in business, the stress of how to move forward and some are still waiting to reopen. Definitely think local, help preserve those spaces and places that we want for ourselves and others to enjoy down the road.
I definitely have so many memories from The CAP, The Capital Complex, The Capital Bar, The Capital... Too many. I played countless shows with countless different bands, met many great people who've performed and/or attended. I've got a few memories to mention, but I want bring back this memory first Mike Erb and I(we had great hair then). Pretty sure this was the first #IPN back in 2006. What were we even talking about? Is that dancing? Check out that The Meligrove Band tee.
We can't have it like this anytime soon, but thanks to the support we will make the best of this different situation. #morememories to come.